Get Paid To Write: From Day2daytips To SelfHelpArchive?

Day2daytips is an online writing community where contributors can freely join and share their expertise, thoughts, knowledge and views. There was one bubbler involved in creating this wonderful site however it doesn't pay as much as other writing community sites such as Bubblews who claims to be a social blogging site where everyone can freely express themselves and get paid for their daily activities depending on the views, comment and likes their articles has generated.

However Bubblews doesn't work that way anymore, but most of the writers used to love it when they still pay members per comment, like and views. Now let's go back to day2daytips as mentioned, it was created by great people who are friendly but I never give it a try though as my head might explode writing for multiple websites!

My brain is too little to produce thousands of articles daily, I used to write for Bubblews before and had focus on it to earn some extra in come online but I have never tried any other website as I couldn't really handle writing for several website. What I share on Bubblews before was all about personal stuff, mostly about my own opinion and views about different things in life.

But that passion had stopped when Bubbleews stopped paying members, though now they're paying again but the rates was too small for someone like me who are living in the Philippines, I just thought it isn't worth my time anymore, I need to get serious or else I would be wasting a lot of time for cents.

Day2daytips, also shares its revenue to the writers who signed up on their website and had published their work on the site. However, the owner may realize that it isn't really that easy to handle tons of members at a time and yet pay them on time so they had to change something on their website though I considered this website as honest one since they had been very honest to their members.

Now day2daytips has changed their domain name to selfhelparchive which is aims to help other people giving daily tips for those who are looking for some useful information on the internet. Which means writing some non-sense stuff on day2day2tips or would be meaningless, it's like if you want to earn more then be serious with your writings and make sure that your articles are worth reading or something that readers are looking for.

Day2daytips ReviewWhen it comes to revenue sharing sites like selfhelparchive and many others, you can't always please all the readers as all of us had each own preferences when it comes to the type of article or information we wanted to read. So there might be people who won't read your article, but sure there's always people who would be happy to read your work and enjoy it.

Day2daytips or selfhelparchive ad enough members (that's one sure thing) though right now they're currently not accepting new registration for some reason, but had promised to accept new registration in the future.

It is not easy to handle a revenue sharing site or writing community website indeed, some of the website owners usually slipped away and end up not paying their members especially when the advertising revenue isn't enough to pay members.

Get Paid To Write: From Day2daytips To SelfHelpArchive? Get Paid To Write: From Day2daytips To SelfHelpArchive? Reviewed by ZEPETO on 3:02:00 AM Rating: 5

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