Review: Scam or Legit? is not the usual writing website wherein you can write anything you want, just like what you used to do on the other website. It is not a social blogging network site where you can post anything, specializes on different things and different topics.

Most of the writers there are professional writers or had at least years of experience in writing, though if you're into writing articles and you think you can write an amazing articles that people would love then perhaps you can write for

If you're into writing comedy articles then you probably have the chance to be qualified of what they were looking for in a writer. Of course every website that hires writers has its requirements just like, your content must be originally written by you and must be entertaining.

Make Money With
I really do think writing for cracked is worth your time, on top of that think cracked is an established site and not just another scam site out there that would not pay for your hard work and effort. If you think you can write a witty and entertaining article then you are qualified you must grab this opportunity.

Cracked is similar to Listverse, (want to make money with Listverse?) these two website has similarities, these aren't just another website that will pay you cents. They offer such a good amount of income opportunity, let's say your article has been approved by the admins you will be paid $100 for that single article and if your article goes viral you will be paid another $100 it really depends though on how your article performed on their website.

Final Thoughts About

Is a scam? nope it isn't! is a legit company that will give you an opportunity to discover your passion, write for them and get paid up to $300. Review: Scam or Legit? Review: Scam or Legit? Reviewed by ZEPETO on 2:12:00 AM Rating: 5

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